17 Mart 2017 Cuma


                                                             ROBOTS TECHNOLOGY

            Everybody know to only date of establishment, but important thing is what is the benefit of this organization? because they rally every year somewhere, however they are not finding solution world trade trouble. I think, they makes meeting in business class hotel in developed counties. Why they are not go to developing country? I am asking to this organisation leader. 
          Nowadays world is changing too fast, because we are pass to technology and robots system in the World. I analyzed in china employees request is deceasing day by day. Because Companies pass to robotic system in plants and factory. For example one Chinese company replaced 90% of its employees with robots, reducing staff size from 650 employees to just 60.This lead to a 250% increase in production and an 80% decrease in defects. We saw first effect of robots, and technology in Chinese company. It effected to people for loss to job, and
increase to unemployment rate. I hope, this technology will find new job for unemployment people. I dread to think people goes to big scarcity, and poverty in the world. World trade organization will help to people for find a new job somewhere, because farmer activity, some industries, and service need to people for employ to people. I think WTO will help to people, and manage to this improvement in the world. ABB company, and other big robots companies take a lead in the industry for robots technology. WTO will agreement to big robots companies for employ to unemployment people in the world. Because If you are not find a solution in this conversion, we will certainly see to big problems in the some countries. I want to a best in world people. Because of this reason I wrote this issue in my blog. All the best...

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